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  1. Establish Your Processes

Like it or not, guys, the process is the bread and butter of an effective social media management agency.

If you don’t have a standard operating procedure or SOP, you will find it really difficult to grow your business.

SOP helps in making your business run efficiently whilst minimizing the impact of turnovers. It also improves accountability and teamwork in case you’re working with a group of people.

At Merakee Digital Solutions, we’ve made a thorough decision to work with just Instagram and Twitter for our brand. Why? Instagram is visual and it helps us create really branded content. With Twitter, on the other hand, we share lots of text-based content such as quotes or educative threads.

For your business to dominate social media, you will have to make a strategic decision on which social media platforms your business should be on and what social media tools you would love to use to supercharge your business on social.

For onboarding clients at Merakee Digital Solutions, one of the things we’ve done is to create important documents like a social media questionnaire, social media portfolio, social media proposal, and a social media contract, all of which are shared with every new client.

These documents are all well-branded with our brand’s architecture.

And guess what, our pricing and why we charge what we charge are boldly presented on pages in our social media proposal.

In fact, we’ve got three different tiers our clients can choose from, which makes it a win-win for them and for us.

  1. Define Your Services

As a professional social media manager, one of the things that you need to harm yourself with is the idea of niching down.

You can’t experience social media domination if you are involved with all the social media interventions out there.

For instance, at Merakee Digital Solutions, we offer just graphic design, paid advertising campaigns on Facebook & Instagram, community management, website design, and email marketing.

Although we have ample knowledge of every aspect of digital marketing, we only focus on the above social media marketing activities.

Some of the services you can choose to specialize in include:

  • Paid advertising campaigns
  • Graphic design
  • Setting up and optimizing profiles
  • Customer service and community engagement
  • Creating and curating content
  • Caption writing
  • Social media auditing

Pro Tips: When you’re just starting out as a freelance social media manager, it’s important to focus on 2-3 social media marketing activities, and as you grow your brand, you can add other marketing services to your work scope.

A brand or business will thrive and become formidable only if it can coordinatively and strategically dominate and exact great influence on social media. Share on X
  1. Find Jobs and Clients

So, you have set up your social media accounts and are already creating content on each platform.

Next up, start looking for jobs and clients who will be happy to pay you to manage their social media accounts.

However, before you go out on your searching adventure, make sure to ask yourself these two very important questions: Do I want to work in a corporate organization, or do I want to work as a freelance social media manager?

Your answer to the above questions will cut out all the future headaches that might stem from finding yourself in a place you really dread.

I hope you know what I mean. 😊

Okay, the next step would be to start setting up accounts on online marketplaces like Upwork, Fiverr, PeoplePerHour, and Freelancer.com – where you can sell yourself as a freelance social media manager. By the way, if you would love to get some heads up about how to create a UK Fiverr account in Nigeria or anywhere else in the world, then you might want to watch this walkthrough video I made for digital freelancers.

At this juncture, I will be upfront with you.

See, jumping on all of the above online marketplaces for “talents” isn’t enough.

Moreso, it’s not a system that makes you rich immediately.

You see,  these platforms are just a place to showcase your skills and portfolio. Nothing more.

They are not going to help you get projects (maybe it was possible back in the days) immediately, but trust me you’d be happy you jumped on a platform like Fiverr or Upwork if you could press in by standing out from the rest of the crowd with your brand and strategically promoting and marketing your gigs outside of the platform.

Note: Some good places to promote your gigs are Quora and Twitter.

“Sam, what if I don’t want to work as a freelance social media manager?”

Oh! That’s fine too.

There is a truckload of websites online that connects employees to employers.

You just have to carefully choose the best ones and line up a summary of your profile, skills, education, qualifications, achievements, and pretty much anything that would incite an employer to want to give you a job.

For instance, sites like LinkedIn, Jobberman, and Indeed are great places to start frequenting if you truly want to work as a social media manager with a corporate organization.

Read this: 5 Surefire Ways To Make Money Blogging

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