Last updated on August 30th, 2023 at 08:13 pm

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“Sam, please advise me… how do I write a good SEO friendly content?” a frustrated friend once asked me.

I hope he’s reading this post right now as I am going to spend a good amount of time explaining what Search Engine Optimization is, and how to properly format your blog posts for Search Engines through a strategy known as SEO Optimization.

That said. In this post, I will make sure to cover some of the most important SEO elements from On Page SEO to Off-Page SEO, all of which will help you do a proper SEO content marketing for your brand or those of your clients.

Since I’ve been in the blogging business for nearly a decade ago, I get asked so many questions about SEO, and how to properly infuse it into a company’s overall business strategy.

Truth is there are many ways to go about doing and writing proper SEO friendly articles for your blog or as a guest post for other blogs on the internet.

You just have to search well for SEO friendly content guidelines on Google or YouTube.

Believe me, there are a lot of good resources on the subject of SEO Friendly Content at your disposal.

And thankfully, this blog post is one of such.

Somewhere in this article, I will do well to give you some heads up by sharing with you some SEO friendly content checker tools and SEO friendly content sample ideas to get you started on your journey as an SEO-friendly Content Beast.

But right now, let’s talk about SEO, what it is, and how to deploy it.

But wait…

Ultimate SEO Optimization Handbook [Ebook Download]
FYI, this blog post is written in full depth just to expose you to the ‘little secret’ of how to write SEO friendly article that drives HUGE website traffic. guess what, this blog post is over 6390+ words long and I have provided a portable downloadable file for you to easily download and access anytime on your devices. Click to download.

What is SEO Friendly Content?

SEO” or search engine optimization is the process of optimizing a website so that people can easily find it via search engines like Google, Bing, or Yandex. By “content,” I simply mean any information that lives on the web and that can be consumed on the web (I shed more light on how to write SEO friendly Content below).

To add to that, SEO Friendly Articles are the kinds of content that are well-optimized for search or organic website traffic.

They are the kinds of content that pass for good, quality, and evergreen content.

Whatever you do, always remember that Content is King and that Value is the King Maker.

So, in other words, your content has to be VALUE-filled, that is, useful and helpful to the needs of your target audience.

“If content is king, then links are queen. Build a network of quality backlinks.” –Richard Burckhardt Share on X

So, what is SEO?

Just to reiterate, SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the process of optimizing or improving website content through the use of SEO best practices just so Search Engines like Google and Bing can rank and display your website/blog content on the Search Rankings, which would inevitably boost your website traffic and increase your revenues.

Why SEO Friendly Article is Important?

SEO SEO-friendly content is important, because in online marketing, especially in blogging, you will be unable to make money online if your website is not generating a considerable amount of traffic.

So no matter how bodacious and sublime your blog monetization strategies are, if you are not getting quality and targeted (organic) traffic to your website/blog, you will be unable to make a dime on the internet-web as a blogger.

In a nutshell, writing SEO friendly content opens your website to a whole new world (market) of internet users who will be happy to read your blog and likely become your high-paying clients in 2019 and beyond!

“You can’t just ‘SEO’ your website and be done. It’s a forever moving goal post.” – Stoney deGeyter Share on X

How to Write SEO Content?

Writing SEO Content or SEO Friendly Content is not hard, but it requires that you understand the techniques and the process of creating one.

Quick one…

…To write SEO Friendly Content, you will need to;

  1. Do thorough keyword research. Use Contextual Results. Find Topics That Pass the Test of Time.
  2. Put the keywords to work. That is, use it to optimize your blog post.
  3. Write about something people care about.
  4. Know the basics of technical SEO.
  5. Make it long enough to count.
  6. Choose Your Post Title Well.
  7. Include the Keyword in Your URL.
  8. Optimize Your Headings.
  9. Use Your Image Text.
  10. Use Relevant Internal Links.
  11. Write a Meta Description.
If content is king, then context is the key to the kingdom. Share on X

Really, all that?

Yes, all that!

And it is not so hard, it only requires your time (say 2hrs or so) and your ability to understand rules such as “User intent”, “Search volume”, “Ranking factor, “On Page SEO”, “Off Page SEO”, and a few others.

“Good SEO work only gets better over time. It’s only search engine tricks that need to keep changing when the ranking algorithms change.” – Jill Whalen (@jillwhalen), Share on X

Read this: How To Start A Blog — The Complete Beginner Guide For 2018

What are the 2 types of SEO?

They are the On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO.

  • On Page SEO – “On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing individual webpages in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines. On-page refers to both the content and HTML source code of a page that can be optimized, as opposed to off-page SEO which refers to links and other external signals.” – MOZ
  • Off Page SEO – “Off-page SEO refers to techniques you can use to improve the position of a website in the search engine results page (SERPs).” – ReliableSoft
“The best place to hide a dead body is the second page of Google search.” – Anonymous Share on X
Ultimate SEO Optimization Handbook [Ebook Download]
Planning to write a new blog post? Don’t write, let alone publish your blog post without downloading this Ultimate SEO optimization Handbook. Download Now!
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