Last updated on September 15th, 2023 at 06:20 am

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Bests Blogging Platforms to Make Money

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The Best Blogging Platforms to Make Money in 2023

Looking to learn about the best blogging platforms to make money online? Look no further, in this definitive blog post, I’ve done well to highlight the top blogging platforms to maximize your earnings in 2023 and beyond!

  1. WordPress
  2. Blogger
  3. Medium
  4. Wix
  5. Squarespace
Bests Blogging Platforms to Make Money

WordPress.Org: Time to Build on WordPress

1. (Self-hosted) – The Best Blogging Platform!

When it comes to finding the best blogging platforms to make money in 2023, (self-hosted) stands as a heavyweight champion in the world of content creation. Let’s delve into what makes it a formidable choice.

Advantages of’s domination in the blogging sphere is no fluke—it’s well-earned. Here’s why:

  • Flexibility Beyond Measure: is renowned for its unparalleled flexibility. As a blogger, you want the power to shape your blog in your unique style. This platform offers an extensive library of themes and plugins that allow you to mold your website according to your vision. Whether you’re crafting a personal blog or a sophisticated e-commerce site, has you covered.
  • SEO Capabilities That Impress: In the ever-competitive world of online content, SEO reigns supreme. doesn’t just understand this—it excels at it. With built-in SEO features, customizable permalinks, and the ability to install SEO plugins like Yoast SEO or RankMath, your content can effortlessly climb the rankings. This translates to more organic traffic, a critical component of monetization.
  • Endless Monetization Possibilities: Let’s cut to the chase: You’re here to make money. grants you the tools and freedom to do just that. From affiliate marketing and sponsored posts to selling digital products or ad space, this platform accommodates various monetization strategies. The more control you have over your blog’s destiny, the more you can maximize your earnings.

You might want to take a quick look at this post where I explain why I love and use WordPress for my personal projects and those of my clients.

Success Stories That Inspire

Words are one thing, but seeing real-world success is another. Countless bloggers have not only thrived but have also achieved remarkable financial success through It’s not an exaggeration to say that many six and seven-figure bloggers owe their prosperity to this platform.

Take Isua Mfon, for instance. With dedication and a well-structured site, they turned their passion into a full-time income, earning over 800 naira per month.

Oyekunle Damola is another shining example. They leveraged the platform’s SEO prowess and monetization options to transform their blog into a lucrative online business.

These stories underscore the limitless possibilities that offers, proving that with the right strategy, anyone can unlock the potential to make money through blogging.

In conclusion, if you’re on the hunt for the best blogging platform to make money in 2023, (self-hosted) remains a top contender. Its unmatched flexibility, SEO capabilities, and impressive track record of success stories make it a potent ally on your blogging journey. It’s not just a platform; it’s a ticket to a realm of endless possibilities.

In the next section, we’ll explore another prominent player in the blogging landscape, (Blogger/Blogspot). But before we move on, remember this: your choice of platform can be the launchpad for your blogging success, so choose wisely.

Recommended: 5 Reasons Why You Should Power Your Website With WordPress

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