Last updated on April 18th, 2019 at 01:31 pm

So you heard Linda Ikeji, Jide Ogunsanya of Ogbongeblog, Bella Naija, and too many other Nigerians make money online blogging and you thought you might also stand a chance?

First off, the information you heard is true.

Secondly, you too can make money online if you would carefully read and sanely apply my 5 surefire ways to make money blogging in Nigeria.

Just as you might have read, there are plethora ways to make money online, but what some of these guys will not tell you is that growing a blog that generates very high monthly revenue is not easy.

Well, it’s possible, but it takes more than just slapping ad codes or even affiliate links on your blog. Trust me, it takes more than that to truly succeed and make money online.

Although, in Nigeria, the major money making method has always been Google AdSense Ads, and that’s because it was popularized by Linda Ikeji as a result of her high rate of success and affluence.

If you live in Nigeria, you probably would have heard or read in the news of how much millions she spent on acquiring one of her cars. Plus how much she spent in buying a property on the Island area of the Lagos metropolis.

That said. I believe I have already confirmed for you the possibilities of making money online or blogging in Nigeria.

Have I not?

Well, Google AdSense is not the only way to make money blogging in Nigeria. There are plenty other ways, and I have decided to share some of them with you in this post.

But hey, don’t get too excited… I know what am saying. You might end up setting up your blog and not make a dime if you 1) approach blogging the wrong way, Or 2) fail to apply every of the advice that will accompany all of my points.

So, are you game for this?

Let’s dive in then!

5 Surefire Ways to Make Money Blogging

So, you want to learn some of the best ways to make money blogging in Nigeria? In this highly definitive article, I shared 5 explosive ways to make money blogging. Read on…

#1: Advertisement

I have said this before, advertisement is one of the foremost ways to make money blogging. However, to make a kill of a money with this money making strategy involves having a huge website traffic.

I am a active WhatsApp user and just this morning, I made a status post where I said, “Traffic is the lifeblood of every successful blog”.

Believe me, if you do not have a recurring group of people that conglomerates on your blog week-in-week-out, I am sorry to break the news to you, this money making method is not for you.

Now take this scenario for example:

As a businessman who is looking to create a strong brand awareness and double sales, I come to you for help. The first thing I want to check is your website statistics, which includes the number of daily visitors to your blog/website, the level of engagements, that is, likes, comments, shares, and most importantly, clicks, and a few other factors.

If your website doesn’t meet these criteria, my friend, am sorry, but nobody would be willing to advertise their products on your website, let alone King Google!

Now, let’s talk about Google AdSense…

But before I jump on that topic. I should remind you that the above case scenario is known as Direct Advertisement, where someone comes to you based on your level of online influence.

So, let’s talk Google AdSense.

Google AdSense is a program owned by Google. This program was setup to help advertise local and small businesses looking to promote, market, and sell their products and services fast and easy.

I will explain…

So, Mr. Bayo runs a local shop that deals with Bicycle repair, and he looks to promote his skills so that he can make more money. So he approached Google. Mapped out a few keywords and ran his ads with Google.

Google on the hand turns Mr. Bayo’s ads into a code and serves it to Kunle who is a Blogger and a Google AdSense Publisher.

And Kunle, at his end, does well to inject the ad codes into his blog through his website back-end and before you know it, the front-end users begin to see those codes as either Text Ads or Responsive Display Ads.

That’s the much I can explain about how Google AdSense works.

So, you might ask, “But Sam, how does this translate into money for me?”

Good question.

As a Google AdSense Publisher, you are entitled to some sort of commission from the money an Advertiser pays to Google to promote their Ads.

So, depending on the traffic your blog generates, and depending on your knowledge of ads placement, and a few other AdSense jargons, you might make and not make money from this monetization method.

If I were you I’d start learning how to generate highly targeted website traffic or maybe start running paid ads via Facebook, Instagram or even Twitter.

I will do whatever works to drive traffic to my website, but I will not sell my soul to the Devil! Haha

Take my Advice: Make sure you setup your blog well from the layout to setting up the most important pages such as the About, Sitemap, Privacy Policy, and Contact Page. Google AdSense is strict and will not approve your request to be a publisher if 1) You don’t have enough content on your blog 2) Your blog design is not responsive and easily navigable for front-end users 3) You don’t have those pages I talked about 4) You don’t have website visitors.

#2: Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing, like Google AdSense, is one of the oldest monetization strategy people have used to mine their ways to the top!

When you talk about profitable online business models, it’s no doubt that before you mention 1-3, you will mention Affiliate Marketing, and that’s because it works like magic.

However, to succeed as an affiliate marketer, there are a few rules you must adhere to.

They are:

  1. Know – To sell as an affiliate marketer, people must have encountered you. By encounter, I mean they should already know you. If people don’t know you, they obviously can’t do business with you.
  2. Like – Until people know you, they can’t like you. So, you’ve passed the first stage of people knowing you right? The next step is to start giving them loads of value (in return for their time on your blog or reading your mails) so they can begin to like you!
  3. Trust – Likeness breeds Trust. Just as people begin to like you because of your lovely heart and giving nature, they will also begin to trust you. This is the only time they will open their heart and pocket to you.

So you ask, “What is Affiliate Marketing?”

Affiliate Marketing is a performance-based marketing where a certain individual is paid a commission for every generated leads via an affiliate link.

For instance, if Linda Ikeji publishes a book on How to Make Money Blogging in Nigeria and she wants the book to go viral and rake in sales and revenue.

She’d set up an affiliate system where are fans or perhaps affiliate marketers could sign up for and simply join the army of those who would share and promote the book.

But then, she would have setup a kind of commission, might be 50-50, 60-40, or 70-30 commission model, where people would be paid 50% from every persons who buys her book.

I hope you understand?

So, if she sells her book, say 5000 naira, and I buy it for that price, your commission then would be 2500 naira.

Awesome right?

That’s affiliate marketing for you.

Unlike Google AdSense, you don’t need to worry yourself too much about driving traffic to your blog. You just need to have a loyal fanbase of people who frequent your blog or who are on your emailing list. That’s all.

Now, here’s where the magic lies..

If you have users who have come to like and trust your recommendations, you’d convert and make lots of ROI than a blogger who simply blog for AdSense revenue.

Take my advice: There’s money in the list, so make sure to build and integrate an autoresponder into your blog to collect the emails of your blog users. After the collections, be sure to get in contact with them to 1) build friendly relationships with them 2) give them value always 3) solve their problems 4) sell to them! BY the way, CLICK this LINK if you would love to get a CHECKLIST of my Email Marketing Funnel.

#3: Sell Your Own Stuff!

Have you ever heard of the phrase, “If you don’t sell, you will be sold to.”

Selling is happening everywhere online, from people selling eBooks to people selling gift items, online courses, services like Facebook Advertisement, and just to mention a few.

Of all the monetization strategies I have mentioned, this one is by far the best!

The reason is simple; you keep all the MONEY!

No sharing with any Third Party, nothing!

How do you go about creating a product and selling it to your audience?

Simple. Just get your behind on a chair, get your laptop, open it, let it run, get on Microsoft Word, then type away… But that’s if you are a writer.

What if you are not a writer?

Well, you can simply find what your passions are and build something around that. But mind you, people don’t buy your idea. Rather, they buy solution!

So what pain-point can you help people to solve?

Are you good with turning ideas into Graphical Representations? Go for it!

Are you good with words? Become a writer and write freelance for the web!

Do you understand Facebook and Instagram Algorithms and have all the latest and working strategies of running successful ads? Sell it as a service!

Really, you don’t have an excuse!!!

So, with that said, what do you have to offer?

A product or a service?

Take my Advice: Whatever you create, make sure it’s valuable and affordable to the people in which you are trying to sell to!

#4: Public Speaking

When people ask to know why I feel it’d be good for them to blog, I simply respond, “I think you should blog because it is one of the surest ways to blow your trumpet.”

One of the things a blog does asides helping you to make money online is that it helps spread your message to the ends of the world. I mean far enough to reach the people in places you’ve never and might be in your lifetime.

See, blogging consistently on a topic you are most knowledgeable about (and that people love to hear) for a year can turn you to an influencer or a Thought Leader people want to pay to listen to.

One Indian friend told me once, “Sam, you don’t really make money from doing blog. You make money from what you do around blogging.”

My friend, see your blog as a home which house your most deepest feelings and thoughts. The more people reads them, the more they get impacted by your awesomeness. The more the impact, the more the invites, and the more the invites, the more the money you are able to make!

Take my advice: Design your blog in a way that makes you stand out from other blogs in the Blog-o-Sphere. And never ever joke with the quality of your blog content! They can either make or mar you. So beware!

#5: Sponsored Posts

This is another surefire way to double your income and make money blogging in Nigeria!

SO what is sponsored post?

Definition: A sponsored post is a post on a website or blog which is paid for by an advertiser. – WiseGeek

So you run a blogging blog like me and want badly to make money. That’s fine. Get advertisers to post and promote their business on your blog for a fee.

How much can you charge?

Well, it depends on you and also on the quality of your blog. If you have a blog that has crazy traffic and lots of engagements, you’d do well to charge well and not shortchange yourself in the name of making anything online.

People make between $100 and $1500 by just publishing sponsored posts on their blogs. How much you make is largely dependent on how much of such posts you accept and publish on your blog.

Take my advice: Even though this is one of the ways to make money blogging, you must also be wary and careful of the kinds of posts you accept and make LIVE on your blog. For example, it’s insane to accept and publish an Entertainment-based article if your blog is related to Blogging or Make Money Online. Get that?

By the way, just this evening, I stumbled on a blog post written by a fellow blogger by the name, Jessica Knapp from BloggingBasis101 and I thought to quickly share it with you.

Top Earning Blogs and How they Make Money Blogging

Top Earning Blogs and How they Make Money Blogging

via BB101

Let’s Wrap Up

You see folks, blogging is a great channel for you to make and double your income in 2018 and beyond. You just have to learn to blog right, and that is what I have set out to do with this blog; teach you how to blog right and make money online as a blogger or Thought Leader in Nigeria!

So, if you’ve been thinking of how to make money blogging in Nigeria, I believe this five monetization strategies is going to start you up on the right part to blogging success.

For now, I believe you’ve learned and have taken to heart some of the best ways to make money blogging in Nigeria, and elsewhere in Africa or Europe.


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