Do you love to grow your blog to the point where it becomes extremely successful?
Have you been dreaming of making plenty money online as a blogger?
Is your #1 dream to become an A-list blogger who gets so many speaking engagements?
If you answered “Yes” to any or all of the above questions, then this eBook is for you.
In this book, myself and 27 other top bloggers around the world shared everything a blogger should know and avoid while going into full-time blogging.
Let’s fact it!
We all make mistakes, and believe me, I have made so many blogging mistakes in the past, and thankfully enough, I have been able to grow out of those mistakes due to time and the amount of information I exposed myself to.
So, you might ask, “Sam, what would I REALLY learn in this your “Common Blogging Mistakes” book?”
Good question.
- You will learn how to blog like a Pro
- How to know you’re making some silly blogging mistakes
- How to isolate and go over these dangerous blogging mistakes
- How to truly build blogging relationships that thrives
- How to embrace and profit from blogging
The above, and much are exactly what you will learn from buying (I am gifting you this book for FREE because you are my loyal blog reader) this book. And trust me, you will never regret making this decision, I promise you!
Inside the Book:
Part 1: The story that led to the creation of this handbook and I shared five smart ways to fix your mistakes
Part 2: Common blogging mistakes and smart fixes by IM Experts
Part 3: I further took the common blogging mistakes by sharing 10 more fixes
Part 4: Ryan Biddulph, Erik Emmanuelli, Sonia Harris, Harleena Singh, Joy Healey and a couple others shared their amazing thoughts on how to fix the three (3) common blogging mistakes they see people making.
Part 5: I concluded by sharing five (5) other mistakes I noticed from my travels around the blogosphere. Plus smart fixes for them.
This book happens to be my first published book, and it was first published here on Amazon. You can check it out!
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