Last updated on June 21st, 2019 at 04:31 pm
Have you ever wondered how to create unique content for blog?
You are not alone, we all have.
However, some of us have learned how to crack the code…
…and it’s been working for us in creating unique, original, blog content!
In other news, one of the things I have started doing this year is to listen more than I react to things around me.
And insofar, this new way of thinking and acting has brought me so much peace and self-fulfillment.
I mean just this morning, I was on Facebook going about my business of actively listening to conversations through reading people’s posts and comments when I stumbled on a post where a certain Indian blogger (I assume he’s a blogger) asked to know about “How to Create Unique Articles for Blog“.
Guess what, I immediately put on my ‘helping cap’ and decided to be the one to answer that question for him since nobody was ready to answer him.
Quick warning: This post is going to a bit long, but not to worry, I have also provided it in a portable file you can download and carry around to read at a later time.
So, what’s the first one, the second or the third points…?
Wait for it…
Table of Contents
TogglePoint1 — Research & Brainstorm
The first rule here is to embrace research and brainstorm as a means of growing, not just your blog, but as a person.
Some of the ways I have personally been generating blog ideas since 2013 is by:
- Researching topic ideas, that is, what other people in my industry write and share about, and
Brainstorming if it’s a topic I can do justice to or not, plus I also check on a scale of 1-10 if it would be worthwhile to my blog readers or not. If not, I throw the entire idea into the trash can and move on to the next one.
Got my drifts, right?
Now, let me expand this further by explaining the whole concept of brainstorming.
In fact, the image below will provide an in-depth knowledge to buttress my entire point about brainstorming topic ideas.

Brainstorming Process
You see at the end of the day, what brainstorming does is to help you develop ideas for your subject matter, the headline, keywords, the kinds of images you should use, and so and so forth.
Personally, I have found out that this stage is the most difficult, but also the most important when you truly want to come up with evergreen content, at least, as far as blogging is concerned.
While in this stage, you do not have to worry or bother yourself about making everything look good initially.
You shouldn’t even bother yourself about grammar, spelling, or even formatting, no, just hang in there and keep jotting down ideas until you can’t think of any more ideas, then go back to make connections with each idea you got from the mind mapping process.
If you spend judicious time going through the process highlighted above, I am sure you will come up with a very fantastic topic for your next blog post.
#Point2 — Be Personal
At the beginning of 2013, I began to learn the Art and Science of blogging from top bloggers like Sue Neal, Adrienne Smith, and Harleena Singh.
The later had one day told me, “Sam if you want to truly thrive and succeed as a blogger, you’ve got to learn how to write from the heart…”
I took that advice and put it to good use, and since then, I have never had to worry about how to create unique blog content.
Because I make sure to lunch into the inner recess of my mind, after researching topic ideas, and I literally begin to weave out words from the deepest parts of my soul, even words that the readers will not only connect with but that will also ultimately change their lives forever!
Friends, it is important that when we write a blog, we allow our personality shine through, because this is the only way your blog readers can emotionally connect with you.
Writing unique and quality content isn’t rocket science, I mean it shouldn’t be.
However, writing unique and evergreen content has everything to do with sharing your personal experiences with your blog readers.
As a public speaker, I have come to realize that I speak and teach fantastically well anytime I teach from the place of my life and business experiences.
Now, the reason is simple.
These are the things I have gone through; these things have shaped my life and has become such a huge part of me that when I speak and teach about them, it reflects my passions and the love that I have for what I do, which ultimately helps me win people over to inevitably impact their lives for good!
So, friends, the next time you are thinking of writing and creating unique and original blog content, be sure to allow your personality shine through.
#Point3 — Keep an Idea Journal
I call it “Idea Journal” because that’s what I use my own journals or memo pads to do.
I don’t know about you, but guys, if you truly want to thrive as a content beast, then you might have to reconsider what you use your journals for.
In the past, before blogging changed my life, so much so that I got to the point of buying and owning laptops, I used my Curve1 BlackBerry to update my blogs… Yes, you heard that right!
No Microsoft word to write and properly format my content. Nothing, but I made use of the phone’s memo pad to judiciously note blog topic ideas, brainstorm content ideas, and right on that memo pad, I do my actual blog writing and active promotion through blog commenting and their likes.
Yes, really, and that simple!
The moment I pick up your phone to go through it, and I see how blank your phone’s memo pad is, I can immediately tell the type of person you are.
Yes, I can tell that you are not very given to self-development.
Yes, really!
See, if you are really concerned about writing the best contents of your life week-in and week out, then you will have to take my advice and begin to use your memo pad the way you ought to use it – jot down ideas!
Should I burst your bubble?
This post you’re reading was first jotted down bit by bit on my memo pad until I transported it to Microsoft Word on my laptop.
Do you see how it works?
It makes the whole process of writing and creating fresh, unique, and original blog content very easy and seamless!=
#Point4 — Keep an Open Mind
One of the things I have also find out is that when writing a blog post or should I say a unique and original content, you should keep an open mind.
You might ask, “But Sam, what do you mean by keeping an open mind?”
What I simply mean by that is to be ready to trash ideas or marry different ideas with each other to finally make a whole article or blog post.
The thing is that some ideas might not tie well into each other and there’s no point in trying to keep them if they are not going to make sense or ultimately add value to your blog readers.
Also, some ideas might not be good if they stand alone until they are tied up with other ideas.
For instance, in the process of brainstorming you might have brainstormed “Global Warming” as part of your topic ideas, or let’s use a more apt topic example; “Make Money Online”, and the sub-topics you came up with are “Steps to Make Money via Fiverr, Making Money Online Writing Reviews, or maybe, Making Money Selling Information Products”.
Now you are to put your entire block of ideas into writing and you are stuck in say, making a complete sentence and sense around each of those subtopics, and it’s all just looking hard…
…see, in keeping an open mind, you’d realize that it is okay to trash any lines of thoughts for another that makes more impacting sense to your readers.
For instance, while putting this whole meal together, I had to hit the backspace a couple times before I finally get my thoughts together and into a well-structured manner that anybody reading it will easily understand.
I will be the first to admit that the process can be a little daunting and stressful, but is it possible? Sure it is very possible to go over and guess what, it is what makes your entire copy evergreen and something that people wants to consume and devour.
If you do well to religiously go over this process, as well as other points I have herein mention, you will soon learn how to create unique blog content that people will pause, read, like, comment on, and heartily share with their friends.
#Point5 — Have a Thorough Understanding of the Subject Matter
I bet you have heard and have read everywhere online that to succeed as a blogger you will have to find, know, and fill a particular niche by becoming the go-to-expert in your topic or in this case, subject matter!
This post you are reading is over 2400 words long and that’s because I know the ins-and-outs of the topic, especially anything that relates to blogging or making money online.
So, because I know my subject matter well enough, it becomes extremely easy for me to weave out words and to kill off the “Writer’s Block” myths that people go around with.
I am sure if you tap-woken a Chima Amanda Adiche from a deep moment of slumbery to write and recite a poem, she will not think twice before she fires away doing just that!
Well, that’s because the woman knows her subject matter well, and it has become second-nature to her.
So guys, the next time you are trying to write a unique and original content, let it tie with a topic you know like the back of your palms. It is called knowing your onions well!
#Point6 — Solve a Pained Point
What are the components of a good content?
A good content is one that is informative, educative, entertaining, motivating, and persuasive enough to cause the readers to take an (a specific) action they would otherwise not have taken if they had not come in contact with your writing.
A simpler way to say the above lines is to say that your content should be helpful as well as useful to your readers.
Your content should help them solve a need or a problem.
If your content is not helping someone solve a particular need, then I am sorry to be the one to tell you; they will hit the exit button, cram your blog’s name, and they will never come back to your website again!
In my petite experience as a blogger and a content developer, I have come to realize that content which makes for an Evergreen Content are those ones which truly solves a reader’s pained points.
As a blogger or a content writer, your number one job, focus, and priorities should be to help people get ahead from where they are right now to where they ought to be, but don’t necessarily have an idea or willingness to go or get to.
I hope this point is clear?
So, the next time you are trying to write and publish a blog post, let it be from a position where you truly help someone get ahead by helping them solve a particular problem.
#Rule7 — Kill it!
How or what do I mean by killing it?
What I simply mean to say is to publish your best content every time you hit “Publish”!
A lot of the time, when you surf the internet to read blog posts, you get so irritated because the blog editor took little to no time in editing or proofreading their blog content for reader’s consumption.
I don’t know about you, but I am almost always pissed off and highly irritated at the thought that someone could actually push out a work that is not properly edited or proofread.
Guys, if you are truly in the business of writing unique and originally blog content, then you will do well to take extra time and hours to read, edit, and proofread your works before you publish them on your blogs.
A rule of thumb is to practice reading aloud.
I have actually found out that reading aloud helps to catch errors or omission our sub-conscious mind leave out when we are typing into out MS Word.
Is that true?
Well, it is, and that is because most times, our sub-conscious mind plays some kind of tricks on us by either omitting words or using words that are alike in our piece of writings.
I will give you an example:
“I finally met are yesterday at the mall.”
Instead of…
“I finally met her yesterday at the mall”.
Let me give you another example:
“I will be travelin to Jamaica next weak”.
Instead of…
“I will be traveling to Jamaica next week”.
I bet you already get my point.
Whatever you do, always put your best foot forward.
This is the only thing that distinguishes you from other bloggers on the internet. And it is also the only way you’d become a content generating machine, even one you’ve always wanted to be.
Wrapping Up: How to Create Unique Content for Blog
Guys, as you can see, I’ve gone above and beyond myself to really expound and explain all the steps involved in writing fresh, unique, quality, and original blog content that will attract and make your blog readers stay glued to your blog.
Now, if you are like our dear friend, and you have also asked the same question, “How to Create Unique Articles for Blog”, I’d say you spend some time to either bookmark this page or download the portable file of this entire post into your laptop to read at a later time.
Let’s do a quick recap: How to Create Unique Blog Content
- Research & Brainstorm
- Be Personal
- Keep an Idea Journal
- Keep an Open Mind
- Have a Thorough Understanding of the Subject Matter
- Solve a Pained Point
- Kill it!
That’s it, guys!
Now, go kill it!
Okay before you go, I hope you enjoyed the post?
If you do as much as I do, I’d suggest you leave a comment to tell me how HELPFUL and USEFUL this post is to you… And please, don’t forget to like and share the post with your network of friends.
Okay one more thing before you go.
Let me share these external resources that might really help you with how to create unique content for blog.
Here you go:
- How to Create Unique Content to Build Your Blog’s Authority
- The Nine Ingredients That Make Great Content
- ingenious [and free] ways to source blog content ideas that’ll wow your audience
- 10 Ways To Get Content For Your Blog
- 189 Creative Blog Post Ideas That Will Delight Your Audience
The above resources are also going to help you become a content beast and soon enough, you’d master the ways to create unique content that will make your blog stand out in the sea of blogs on the internet.
©Sam Adeyinka
Your Blogging Coach
Awesome content really helped me
Thanks for stopping by, Prabhakar brother. I really appreciate. I hope to see you here more often!
This information is very helpful and I would recommend every writer must go through the content. Proofreading is also a very important part of the process. Thanks for sharing this information.
nice posts very well explained thanks for sharing
[…] How to Create Unique Content for Blog – My Complete Guide February 18th, 2019 […]
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[…] November 15th, 2019 | 0 Comments How to Create Unique Content for Blog – My Complete Guide […]
Creating unique and original blog content is a top priority for any serious blogger.
Thanks for sharing useful post.